Wednesday, August 24, 2011

ENG 102: Where, What, Why?

Where are you from?

         Im from the small country city of Lebanon, Ky. I grew up on a cattle/tabacoo farming which i helped the family for about 7 years. Then i worked nearly 5 with my dad's electric company before he uinfortunatly had to retire from. I was born in Richmond at Patty A. Clay. from there we lived in foxhaven apts, then stanford, harodsburg, then finally moved back home to Lebanon. Now i live in a house with my lil cuz and a friend he graduated with on American Ave.

Identify something of importance/beliefes. (democratic, catholic, believe in evolution and not creationism)

One thing i try to believe is everything happens for a reason, it's something i tell myself to give me hope that there was purpose in what happens. Im a roman catholic raised, but some of my true beliefe don't blend well with the church, i feel that church is a good place to have faith and comfort, but it's not how the world was created, im a strong believer in evolution over creationism.

What kind of popular culture, hobbies, intrest? (Cars, sports)

Im a car person, i've always tried to spend as much time into my cars as i would myself, becasue mechanics are just as much part of my life as my friends and family. sports have been a major factor in how i've been shaped as a person, disapline and structure, which is how the world should be ran somewhat.
Why are you in college? (Business, was in massage therapy)

Im in college because i want to better myself, but mainly because im forced to in this society, honestly there's nothing more i would rather do than to be a hard working civilian or a farm back home, but farming isn't what it used to be, and every job you need to stay in middle class requires a full blown education. Im more of a hard worker, not a book reader. I started school in Lville at Louisville School Of Massage Therapy. after a semester of it, i figured it wasn't for me because it wasn't a stable career choice starting out in life, a business degree would give me more options. Alcohol has always been part of my life, and i respect it, not abuse it, and it's a safe bet that alcohol will be around for a while, therefore i feel that a liquor store would be a safe place in life as a career.

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